My Hero Academia: Re-Design

A complete redesign of the “Disguises” scene from My Hero Academia, Season 3; Episode 8. Completed as a final project for “Film 1: Narrative” at Northwestern University, myself and two other students rebuilt the audio of the scene from the ground up, creating all new effects, ambiance, and music, as well as re-recording all dialogue.

ADR Recording Engineers: Max Volpert, Maya Reter, Justin Cavazos

SFX/Dialogue Synching: Max Volpert

Music Composition: Justin Cavazos

Ambiance: Maya Reter

Mixing/Mastering: Max Volpert, Maya Reter, Justin Cavazos

Voice Acting:

Deku & Momo: Max Volpert

Kirishima & Todoroki: Justin Cavazos

Iida: Maya Reter